Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mitchell Harris Footy Limerick 2nd Instalment

In theatre with scalpel and stitch
with Craig as my gas-passing bitch
I sew up those Caesars
with delicate tweezers
to pay for my "Harry and Mitch"

-Patrick Moloney

An average footy tipster like me

Needs this chance to get a bottle of MH wine for free

A limerick? No prob

I’ll get right on the job

And look forward to toasting the Cats winning spree

There once was a couple of couples

Who liked footy tipping and drinking bottles of bubbles

“Let’s make our own to put on the table”

And so was born the Mitchell Harris label

The wine that’ll make happiness of all of your troubles

Here is my last offering of a verse

Unfortunately, they are quickly getting worse

Which is not like MH wine -

That stuff becomes finer with time

And will quench any footy tipster’s thirst

-Jen Absalom

Here we are, it is round nine,
After all my trying, I think it's about time
Oh, wouldn't it be great
If I could pick eight
And the old man could win the wine.

-Ian Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Reading the limericks has inspired me.
    So here's another one for you.

    Of Mitchell Harris wines a lot I do hear,
    such as "their quality it has no peer".
    But still empty remains my cup,
    for from the vine I do not sup.
    But that will change when they release their 1st beer.

    Have Fun,
